Sunday, June 13, 2010

deflation or inflation

you wrote:
"The Fed's answer to the deflationary effects of the housing crash is the production of more fiat money and a continuation of zero rates."

it is not fiat money....yet. it is borrowed. the treasury is replacing the consumer as a borrower in the market! i suspect that net increase in fed borrowing is less than the decline in private borrowing. it may become inflationary when fed borrowing exceeds the decline in private sector borrowing. but as is pointed out, the public is wary with regard to increasing the deficit(beyond the shortfall in private borrowing). thus it will be difficult to generate inflation.

possible overseas inflation could eventually spread to the USA economy, but japan Germany and china, are not prone to inflation creation.
hence debt creation must be monitored...

gold is not necessarily a good indicator because there are gold bugs who will buy gold in expectation of a global crash, deflation and depression. GOLD BECOMES A SUBSTITUTE FOR TUNA FISH.

indeed you forwarded:

The voters have finally understood that we can't print ourselves out of this primary bear market, and they are choosing (can you believe it?) austerity. The voters realize that the Obama/Bernanke "solution," -- printing and zero rates can't work and IS NOT WORKING. Housing prices are not rising, employment is not increasing, stocks are down for the decade, and Bernanke is having a hard time justifying his money printing position to Congressmen.

again it is not money printing. it is borrowing. public debt replacing private debt...

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